Free Low Vision Guide

Desktop Assistive Technology For The Visually Impaired

Looking for desktop assistive technology for low vision?

One of the most simple to use assistive technology for low vision is known as a desktop electronic magnifier. Desktop electronic magnifier systems are perfect for extended periods of reading and writing. These units consist of a camera, monitor and movable XY table.

Merlin Family of Products

Reading, writing and your favorite hobby are made easy with Merlin -the most affordable desktop video magnifier on the market. This desktop technology offers the most ergonomic design with built-in controls.

Merlin: Assistive technology for Special Education

Acrobat Family of Products

The Acrobat is a 3-in-1 video magnifier that allows you to view objects near, far and anywhere in between.  This portable desktop system with memory is easy to transport and set-up.

Acrobat LCD: Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired Students

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