Merlin elite – HD Video Magnifier with Text-to-Speech

Merlin Elite - HD Video Magnifier with Text-to-Speech
Merlin Elite - HD Video Magnifier with Text-to-Speech
Merlin Elite - HD Video Magnifier with Text-to-Speech


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See and hear the difference!

Merlin elite is a high performance desktop video magnifier (CCTV), featuring HD and text-to-speech (OCR). High definition color and contrast provides a beautiful, crystal clear picture and vibrant colors. Merlin elite’s unique design allows for a wide field of view, displaying more text on the screen. Experience the joy of reading with our new text-to-speech feature.

Before Merlin elite, I’d lost all desire to read on my own. Now I can’t wait to get my mail & magazines!

Merlin elite Features

Additional Features & Benefits

Color Select Feature

video magnification
Color Select Many Options
video magnification
Black & White Color Option


With our low vision electronic magnifiers, many color select options are available for increased contrast. Depending on your eye condition, certain text and background color combinations allow for ease of reading. All Enhanced Vision solutions incorporate 2 to 7 color select options. One of the color select options is black and white. It will convert anything you are viewing to a black and white image for increased contrast.

Horizontal Line Markers

video magnificationHorizontal Line MarkersWith Color Select


The Merlin elite, offers the ability of horizontal line markers. These line markers provide a reference point when reading. See the difference today!

Horizontal Windowing

video magnification horizontal windowingHorizontal Windowing


The Merlin elite, offers the ability of horizontal windowing. This feature allows you to totally isolate the text you are viewing for complete legibility.