Living With Low Vision

Keep Connected with Low Vision Phone Options

Posted on: Sep 21, 2015

This winter we visited my in-laws bringing with us several different low vision aids to help my father-in-law who has wet macular degeneration.  One of those aids was a large number, large button telephone.  As we discussed this option with him, it was determined that he could still use his existing phone and he didn’t […]

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Preferred Retinal Locus

Posted on: Sep 18, 2015

Patients with macular diseases experience the loss of their straight ahead vision because the macula, which is a very tiny spot near the center of the retina, has become damaged. As a result many people with advanced macular degeneration will experience what is called a central scotoma.  It may start as a smudge in the […]

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Uber – A Transportation Option for Those with Low Vision

Posted on: Sep 09, 2015

Recently I had lunch with my friend who leads a low vision support group and is legally blind from retinitis pigmentosa.  This summer she took a trip to Seattle and for the first time used an Uber driver to take her and her husband from their hotel to a nearby rose garden.   She commented on […]

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How Blue Light Exposure Affects our Health and Our Eyes

Posted on: Sep 08, 2015

“Light at night is bad for your health, and exposure to blue light emitted by electronics and energy-efficient light bulbs may be especially so.” Blue Light Has A Dark Side Harvard Health Letter MAY 2012 Blue light exposure may affect our health in two significant ways: Interferes with melatonin production and sleep circadian rhythm Exposure […]

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How to Find A Support Group

Posted on: Sep 03, 2015

As of March 2015, there are over a 135 support groups listed in the US and international directory at  That’s how I found a low vision support group right in my own hometown, just a few miles from my house.   I attended my first group last month and met people with a variety of […]

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Turn Your Computer Into An E-Book Reader

Posted on: Aug 21, 2015

One of the disadvantages of reading on an e-book reader for those with low vision is the screen size.  Ranging from 6.5 “ x 5” to 9.1″ x 6.2″ the screen size may be too small for those who need the largest font in order to read.   Often a better and cheaper option is to […]

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How Blue Light Exposure Affects our Health and Our Eyes

Posted on: Aug 17, 2015

“Light at night is bad for your health, and exposure to blue light emitted by electronics and energy-efficient light bulbs may be especially so.” Blue Light Has A Dark Side Harvard Health Letter MAY 2012   Blue light exposure may affect our health in two significant ways:   Interferes with melatonin production and sleep circadian […]

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Turn Your Computer Into An E-Book Reader

Posted on: Aug 14, 2015

One of the disadvantages of reading on an e-book reader for those with low vision is the screen size.  Ranging from 6.5 “ x 5” to 9.1″ x 6.2″ the screen size may be too small for those who need the largest font in order to read.   Often a better and cheaper option is to […]

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Asking For Help

Posted on: Aug 13, 2015

On a recent visit with my father-in-law who has wet macular degeneration, my husband noticed that when my father-in-law was out in the stores, at the bank or the doctor’s office he struggled with signing forms, entering a zip code into the credit card machine or understanding a price tag. My husband was with him […]

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5 Ways an Electronic Magnifier Can Improve Your Day to Day Life

Posted on: Aug 12, 2015

Enjoying your favorite activities and living day to day life can be challenging when you have low vision. It’s easy to feel as though you simply can’t do the things you want to do, but nothing could be further from the truth. There are a variety of low vision solutions that can help you maintain […]

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