Living With Low Vision


Posted on: Oct 18, 2013

When I was in the third grade I had to get glasses. I guess I have had vision issues all along it just went south very quickly when it went bad. At first I hated to wear the glasses until I stood outside and looked up at the trees and saw that with the lens […]

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Bad Siri

Posted on: Oct 16, 2013

I must have pretty bad luck as when I asked my iPad’s helper, Siri, to help me she said “I am really sorry about this but I cannot take any requests right now. Please try again later.” I stared slack jawed at the screen and just wondered as to what she was so busy with […]

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Everyone needs to eat and drink

Posted on: Oct 03, 2013

Everyone needs to eat and drink. And we need to do it several times a day. So whether you are one who would love to keep making your favorite recipes, one who enjoys trying out new dishes, or one who just wants to pour their coffee without spilling, you can benefit from low vision cooking […]

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Keeping up with Finance

Posted on: Sep 30, 2013

I was recently visiting with a friend whose 93 year old mother has macular degeneration. She lives in an assisted living facility, and serves as the activities and social events coordinator. Needless to say she is quite sharp and capable of handling her finances and wants to as well – except she has trouble seeing […]

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A Good Point

Posted on: Sep 16, 2013

A recent commenter brought up a very good point. He spotlighted one of my all time pet peeves. As a person approaches a person with a visual impairment it is that person’s responsibility to announce who they are. Even if they are well known to the person it takes the edge off of everyone involved. […]

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Vision Loss

Posted on: Sep 13, 2013

It is funny, but I always thought of vision loss as everything going black. That is not what is happening in my instance. Everything is going white. Every day, more and more it looks like the blinding snow storm is moving in to stay. The temperature remains the same but the storm of white has […]

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Talking Aids

Posted on: Sep 11, 2013

Often, when we think of visual aids for those with low vision or macular degeneration we think of magnifiers, lights, bold print or large numbers. However, a talking aid may be a useful device for those with vision losses. It’s often a quicker and easier way to get the info or help that is needed. […]

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Posted on: Aug 09, 2013

My friend used to tell me regularly how she would come home from work and then take her dog for a ride in the car. When I asked her why, she simply replied that the dog has been home alone all day, and that she must want to get out and see something new. I […]

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Dark Side

Posted on: Aug 07, 2013

Recently I looked up the real definition of prejudice as I was throwing it around like a hot potato. So we are all clear on what I mean when I use the word prejudice here is a definition from (where else) the web dictionary. 1.An unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, […]

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Posted on: Jul 31, 2013

Life requires that we follow certain rules. There, their is a perfect example. It demands that you know when to use one or write the other. One of the most interesting things I have found is that I am not really a rules kind of gal. That in some ways makes it easier to do […]

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