Living With Low Vision

Losing Focus

Posted on: May 27, 2014

What you give your attention to that will be what you achieve. Where your treasure is, your heart is also. What you focus on will get the most attention. Obviously. In thinking back over the past few months I must admit that I lost my focus and that my treasures were not going to bring […]

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I lost my vision

Posted on: May 20, 2014

Busy Man have I ever been busy. I have been busy pointing fingers, blaming others, dismantling my future, making waves, rocking in the boat and being a nuisance. I also decided that evolution is possible. No, not the Darwinian evolution of monkeys to man, kind of evolving but more like becoming someone I did not […]

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Posted on: Apr 28, 2014

As a person with a visual impairment I have determined that there are many things that go unnoticed. Things that happen right under my nose yet go without visual cognition. Things that are right there for me to notice if my eyes could focus. Until my hands brush across the top of the dresser do […]

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Visual Details

Posted on: Apr 21, 2014

After reading a few books over the last few days, it got me to thinking about how many details are from a visual perspective. There are some common themes to describe if someone is in control of their emotions or not. The writer tells in grave detail about the color of the eyes as a […]

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Laser Therapy for Macular Degeneration

Posted on: Apr 09, 2014

Laser therapy was first used as a treatment for wet macular degeneration.  The type of laser used is called a thermal laser.   It uses an intense beam of light that actually burns the leaking blood vessels under the macula.  The burning helps to seal the blood vessels so that there is less fluid buildup under […]

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Computer Aids for Low Vision

Posted on: Apr 03, 2014

How often and how much do you rely on your computer?    Do you use it to check your email, get the weather, shop for a present, or find the latest baseball score?   Living without the convenience of a computer can be a big disadvantage.  For those with low vision, navigating and seeing what is on […]

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The Lions Changed My Life

Posted on: Feb 28, 2014

Hunter Jarman studies hard in school, loves science and devours comic books. Until recently, the 13-year-old faced a significant obstacle to enjoying these pursuits: Jarman has ocular albinism, a genetic condition that reduces the pigmentation in the eye, causing impaired visual acuity, light sensitivity, and eye strain. When Hunter tried out a demo of the […]

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Blink and Other Ways to Prevent Screen Fatigue

Posted on: Feb 27, 2014

Even though we have found some good reading aids for my 87 year old father-in-law (who has wet AMD) that allow him to read, he still complains that his eyes felt irritated , strained and sore after 30 minutes of reading. At his last eye appointment he shared his symptoms with his ophthalmologist. “Oh, that’s […]

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Vision Loss Due To Age Related Macular Degeneration

Posted on: Feb 17, 2014

Perhaps you have already suffered some kind of vision loss due to age related macular degeneration (AMD).  Typically some of the symptoms of AMD can be the same as those for cataracts.  While macular diseases are the result of changes in the back of the eye, the retina, cataract formation is the result of changes […]

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As the body ages it deteriorates

Posted on: Feb 10, 2014

As the body ages it deteriorates, whether it’s your joints, your spine, or your eyes.  There are normal changes associated with aging eyes such as inability to focus, occasional floaters, and the need for more light.  But then there are more aggressive forms of deterioration that result in abnormal loss of vision. The macula is […]

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