Posted under Living With Low Vision
Getting to and from the grocery store, navigating the aisles of superstores with dairy products on one end and fresh produce on the other, along with finding and selecting your favorite cereal, salad dressing, or coffee creamer can be overwhelming for sighted people let alone those with vision problems. Fortunately there are now many options for online shopping with home delivery for your groceries, paper goods, and personal care products. You can enjoy your grocery shopping experience with much more ease, less frustration, more convenience and many times with cost savings by using an online grocery shopping service.
Start by checking what grocery stores deliver in your area using services like InstaCart, Shipt or Amazon Fresh (Whole Foods). Often you can try the service for free and then if you are happy with the service and quality of the food, you pay for a yearly membership. Grocery store retailers that use InstaCart include Aldi, Costco and Publix. Shipt delivers for stores like Meijer, Kroger, Target, and Western Market.
How it works:
uses frozen water bottles to keep food items cold.
it even more convenient to select products that you consume frequently.
What if your shopper selected produce or a product you’re not happy with? An expired container of yogurt and a bag of mushy organic cucumbers had me calling customer service at InstaCart. The phone was answered promptly by a pleasant customer service representative who gave me instant credit to use on my next order. A simple phone call is certainly more convenient than returning to the store for a credit. Online grocery shopping is becoming very popular and more accessible making it the easiest and most convenient way to get your groceries without having to leave the house.
For more tips on living well with macular degeneration visit:
Living Well With Macular Degeneration
Leslie Degner, RN, BSN