Eye Health

Helen Keller Prize for Vision Research

Posted on: May 22, 2015

This month, the 2015 Helen Keller Prize for Vision Research was awarded to Ophthalmology  Prof. Bob Massof of  John Hopkins University’s School of Medicine. The prestigious award, named after the brave woman who impressed the world with her coruage to overcome blindness and deafness, honors those who dedicate their careers to low vision awareness and […]

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Eat Smart

Posted on: May 14, 2015

One of the best ways to maintain good eyesight is with a healthy diet, focused on certain key ingredients. Our bodies depend on this nourishment, and our eyes in particular thrive off of nutrients like beta-carotene and Omega-3 fatty acids. It’s all about the choices we make when it comes to our meals, and the […]

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Visual Health

Posted on: May 06, 2015

It’s no secret: as we climb up the years in life, we can begin to experience gradual vision loss. Many seniors are living with low vision from diseases like macular degeneration or glaucoma, and the numbers continue to rise… with no available cure. However, there is hope in prevention and early detection, which is possible […]

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Visual Inactivity

Posted on: Apr 23, 2015

There seems to be more people wearing glasses these days; have you ever wondered what effect the modern world has on your eyes? After all, many of us work around computer screens all day, and even when we’re not working, we are, coincidentally, also watching screens. Time flies when we’re having fun, and before we […]

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Living with Diabetes

Posted on: Apr 06, 2015

Living with Diabetes is a growing concern for doctors and patients of all ages, as the number of Americans suffering with Diabetes continue to rise. It’s a disease that affects a long list of the body’s various organs, including our eyes. As Diabetes progresses, visual impairments can occur as a result of Diabetic Retinopathy, which […]

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Ways to help prevent Glaucoma

Posted on: Apr 02, 2015

Currently, over 4 million Americans are suffering from Glaucoma. This low vision disease, a leading cause of blindness which typically affects older people, is referred to as “the sneak thief of sight”; it’s early stages often go undetected. Early detection is paramount, as doctors and specialists can possibly restore lost vision, or maximize their remaining […]

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Nutrition And Your Vision

Posted on: Mar 30, 2015

As our aging population increases, more adults and seniors are losing their vision to common diseases like macular degeneration or glaucoma. In the search for a cure, it’s become obvious that a nutritious diet can go a long way in preventing low vision. U.S. Dietary Guidelines are expected to change in an effort to promote […]

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Dry AMD Phase III Clinical Trial

Posted on: Mar 13, 2015

Positive results from a Phase II advanced dry macular degeneration study has opened doors to a Phase III clinical trial  involving more than 900 patients in 20 countries.  The study will run for two years. The drug Lampalizumab “slowed progression of dry, aged related macular degeneration in patients with advanced disease, shrinking the area of […]

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Visual Hallucinations – Let’s Talk About It

Posted on: Mar 06, 2015

In a recent blog by ophthalmologist and low vision specialist,  Lylas Mogk, MD., she reports that “about 30% of people with vision loss experience Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) for a year or two, in which they see clear, colorful images of people, animals, flowers or buildings, for example, that aren’t really there. The person seeing […]

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Stimulate Your Own Stem Cells

Posted on: Feb 18, 2015

There has been lots of activity in the research world using embryonic and adult stem cells to treat not only macular degeneration, but other eye diseases as well, such as Stargardts macular dystrophy, optic nerve disease and glaucoma.   These early Phase I clinical trials enroll very small numbers of patients, leaving the rest of the […]

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