Eye Health

Updated AREDS Vitamin Research Warning

Posted on: May 11, 2016

Some of the most commonly prescribed eye vitamins for macular degeneration are ones that follow the recommendation from the Age Related Eye Disease study (AREDS).  A ten year study conducted by the National Eye Institute which began in September 1990 with the first published results in 2001 concluded that “taking high levels of antioxidants and […]

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Low Vision App to Identify Objects and Labels

Posted on: Apr 18, 2016

A smartphone or tablet with a camera can be used for many different purposes and using them to “see” for you is one of them. A free app called TapTapSee helps people with low vision, macular degeneration or even blindness to identify objects found in their kitchen, bathroom or out shopping by accessing the device’s […]

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Free Audiobook Options

Posted on: Feb 11, 2016

One of the biggest fears for someone who has been diagnosed with a chronic or degenerative eye condition is the loss of the ability to read.  As an avid reader myself, I can understand that concern.  However, there is more than one way to enjoy your favorite author or genre of books. Audio books can […]

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Microcurrent Stimulation Study for Dry AMD

Posted on: Feb 01, 2016

Microcurrent stimulation (MCS) has been used for many years to treat muscular conditions, sports injuries, chronic pain, and bone fractures.   MCS works by administering precise amounts of electrical current through a battery operated device that delivers low-intensity electricity.  This stimulation is thought to increase blood flow to the surrounding tissue.  As a result the area […]

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How to Help a Senior Loved One Cope with Vision Loss

Posted on: Jan 18, 2016

If you have a parent or loved one going through vision loss, you aren’t alone. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly 3.5 million Americans over the age of 40 have some degree of vision loss, often from age-related conditions. In addition to the home and lifestyle adjustments that must be made when one receives this […]

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What are Telescopic Lenses and Who Benefits from Wearing Them?

Posted on: Jan 11, 2016

It seems that those with retinal disorders like macular degeneration are very familiar with the need for magnification for close up work – like reading, writing bills, and performing hobbies.  Reading magnifiers are usually the first visual aid obtained by those with low vision.   However, there is less awareness for the need to magnify distance […]

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What Affects Vision Clarity?

Posted on: Jan 04, 2016

Have you noticed that on some days your vision is more clear and on other days the blurriness seems to be worse?   One person with early dry AMD shares his experience, “Sometimes my vision is as clear as can be, but on some days (seems to be more on less sunny days with lots of […]

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Digital Retina Exam Without Dilation

Posted on: Nov 13, 2015

At my most recent yearly eye exam I was asked if I wanted to pay more and not have my eyes dilated for the retinal exam.  I declined, had my eyes dilated and all was well.  Next time I’m asked that question, I may give a different answer.  That’s because there’s lots more reasons to […]

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Declining Depth Perception

Posted on: Nov 09, 2015

When someone has been diagnosed with macular degeneration the most common symptom that comes to mind is the loss of straight ahead or the center part of one’s vision.  This vision loss affects one’s ability to read or to recognize a familiar face.  But there are other changes that can also affect one’s quality of […]

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SightRisk – A New AMD Risk Assessment Tool

Posted on: Oct 19, 2015

There are many established risk factors for developing macular degeneration.  However, up until now there has not been a tool to analyze not only one’s risk factors, like age, gender, lifestyle and family history, but also to combine that information with clinical reports, such as the presence of macular drusen or the density of the […]

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