Low Vision Blog

Video Games For The Visually Impaired

Posted on: May 04, 2009

Computer engineers developed a new computer game, called AudiOdyssey, for visually impaired persons. The game primarily focuses on sounds and rhythms, which visually impaired and sighted players can both enjoy… Source for complete article: http://www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2008/1111-video_games_for_the_visually_impaired.htm

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Stereo For Visually Impaired

Posted on: May 04, 2009

No doubt finding stereo equipment for the visually impaired is limited and hard to find. However, there is at least one product that is now devoted to the blind or even the partially blind. It is a stereo that uses an interface that reacts to the user, while keeping… Source for complete article: http://www.cybertheater.com/stereo-for-visually-impaired/

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Blind Artist Sees Hope From Painting Greeting Cards

Posted on: May 01, 2009

Legally blind, Lucy McAdams vision is lost but she is still able to see the bright spots of life. Through her self-painted greeting cards, she escaped her personal darkness and now hopes that her accomplishments can serve as an example to others with disabilities to not give up. When McAdams first lost all her center […]

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