Low Vision Blog

Attending a Trade Show. David Goldstein Discusses Low Vision

Posted on: Dec 13, 2011

I just returned home from Affiliate Summit East in New York City. Affiliate Summit is an internet marketing conference that includes education sessions as well as an exhibit floor where companies chat up their products and services. Due to my limited eye sight, show management was kind enough to provide me with an additional show […]

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Missing the Movies. David Goldstein Discusses Low Vision

Posted on: Dec 13, 2011

With the release of the final Harry Potter movie this summer and all the hype that came with it, I was thinking how much I miss going to the movies. We use to go several times a month. I love movies so much that the first business I owned was a West Coast Video store […]

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Public Bathrooms and Low Vision

Posted on: Dec 13, 2011

I drink a lot.  No, not alcohol, mainly water.  Usually between two to three liters per day.  I supplement that with a mug of herbal tea in the morning and a trenta iced tea in the afternoon.  So, at various times throughout the day, I gotta go.

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What are Macular Drusen

Posted on: Oct 31, 2011

What are Macular Drusen? If you have been diagnosed with macular degeneration  (AMD) you probably have heard your eye specialist mention something about seeing some drusen during your eye exam.  In fact the development of these yellow deposits are they first signs of AMD.  Some people have them even before they notice any changes in […]

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Attitude – Adapting to Life with Macular Degeneration

Posted on: Oct 31, 2011

In her book, Macular Disease: Practical Strategies for Living with Vision Loss, Peggy Wolfe writes quite a bit about attitude.  Peggy has lived with age related macular degeneration (AMD) for 11 years, suffering more severe vision loss from wet AMD the past 5 years. When I asked her what attitude has helped her the most […]

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Understanding Macular Degeneration Research

Posted on: Oct 31, 2011

I often get many e-mails when some type of macular degeneration research is in the news. Patients and loved one are wanting to know when, where and how they can get this “latest treatment.” Unfortunately just because some research is in the news, doesn’t mean that the new treatment is even close to being available […]

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Audio Books For Those With Vision Loss

Posted on: Sep 08, 2011

Many people with macular degeneration or other types of vision loss, will alternate from reading their favorite books to listening to their favorite books. Sometimes, listening is a welcome change to the strain of trying to read. Simply find yourself a comfortable spot to sit, put up your feet, close your eyes, and listen.

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Fats, Inflammation, and Macular Degeneration

Posted on: Aug 26, 2011

Inflammation plays a clear role in the development of age related macular degeneration (AMD). The normal healthy type of inflammation is the body’s response to a specific area that has had an injury. The body responds by sending blood and nutrients to the tissues around and near the injury.  Although there is often redness, pain […]

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Sugar, Inflammation and Macular Degeneration

Posted on: Aug 12, 2011

Dr. Michael A. Samuel, the author of Macular Degeneration: A Complete Guide for Patients and Their Families, writes, “Modern research into macular degeneration has found that inflammation plays a clear role in the development of the dry form of this disease.”  Dr. Andrew Weil, the author of Healthy Aging believes that inflammation is the common […]

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Macular Degeneration – Does it Run in Families?

Posted on: Jul 25, 2011

My husband’s father has wet age related macular degeneration (AMD).   Several of his father’s brothers and sisters also had AMD.  If you have a parent or sibling with macular degeneration, you may be wondering, does that mean you will develop it too? Although we can’t say for sure that living with macular degeneration is in […]

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