Low Vision Blog

Distance Glasses – Magnifying Near and Far

Posted on: May 07, 2012

The two “best friends” for those with macular degeneration are magnifiers and lights. But when we think of a magnifier, we usually think of the traditional large round magnifying glass with a handle that can be used to enlarge the words of what we are reading or perhaps to see a photograph or picture more […]

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Is There a Test for Macular Degeneration?

Posted on: May 07, 2012

Awareness of macular degeneration is increasing as the baby boomer population continues to age. In generations long ago, family members knew that grandma or grandpa had lost some of their vision, but they didn’t know why there was loss of vision or the name of the eye disease.  Now thanks to years of research and […]

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An Unknown But Not Unimportant AMD Antioxidant

Posted on: May 07, 2012

Why are antioxidants so important in the world of macular degeneration? Whether you have been diagnosed with the early stages of this retinal disease, trying to prevent it or have advanced AMD, antioxidants play an important role in the macula  – a very tiny spot in the center of our retina that gives us that […]

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Anti-VEGF Medications for Wet Macular Degeneration Treatment

Posted on: May 07, 2012

Wet macular degeneration (AMD) treatment often involves intro-ocular or eye injections using anti-VEGF medications. VEGF stands for vascular endothelial growth factor. VEGF is a protein that the body makes that promotes blood vessel growth. Another term for new blood vessel growth is angiogenesis.  Wet AMD is aptly named because the macula – a very small […]

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Wet Macular Degeneration Medications

Posted on: May 07, 2012

Wet macular degeneration treatment is very different from dry macular degeneration treatment.  Even though both eye conditions cause central vision loss, how and why that vision loss occurs is because of very different processes going on in the body.  Dry macular degeneration is a slow, gradual degrading or dying of the photoreceptor cells located in […]

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The Right Question to Ask

Posted on: May 07, 2012

If you have macular degeneration or know someone with macular degeneration, you may be wondering what is a good gift to give them for Christmas.  We are wondering ourselves what to give my 85 year old father-in-law who has wet macular degeneration. You may find just the right gift for that person by rephrasing your […]

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How Fast Does Macular Degeneration Progress?

Posted on: May 07, 2012

Often the first question a person will ask when they’ve just been diagnosed with macular degeneration, is “How fast will my macular degeneration progress?”  The doctor usually gives a vague answer which usually instills even more anxiety in the patient. However, there’s a good reason why the doctor may be evasive. It’s because every person […]

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What is Macular Degeneration? Basic Retina Anatomy

Posted on: May 07, 2012

The Macular Degeneration Foundation reports that two hundred thousand people are diagnosed every year with macular degeneration.  Although more people are becoming familiar with this retinal condition, many people are hearing about it for the first time. Perhaps it’s your mother,  your brother,  your spouse or yourself that has developed age related macular degeneration.

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Webinar – Benefits of New Electronic Magnification Devices versus Conventional Magnifiers

Posted on: Mar 08, 2012

For all of you who missed the webinar, here is a video of the presentation: If you would like to view the PowerPoint, it is available here: http://www.slideshare.net/enhancedvision/benefits-of-new-electronic-magnification-devices-versus-conventional-magnifiers

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Dining Out. David Goldstein Discusses Low Vision

Posted on: Dec 13, 2011

I love going out for a meal. It is one of the few pleasures in life I still enjoy. I use to go to the movies, attend huge amounts of Phillies and Flyers games each season, and go to the bookstore to browse. I’ve been to one Phillies game this season and we still go […]

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