Low Vision Blog


Posted on: Aug 31, 2013

Over the last few nights I have been having a difficult time sleeping. That is not exactly true as I have been sleeping well I have just been so very busy dreaming. Strange odd conglomerations of things all banding together to try to make a story in my sleeping head. I have mentioned my dream […]

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Fill In the

Posted on: Aug 23, 2013

We all have a lot of choices when it comes to words and how we use them. Today I am going to give you an opportunity to use your words to fill in the blanks and see what you are thinking about. This is not like multiple-guess tests that we all hated/loved as a student. […]

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Posted on: Aug 19, 2013

Funyons Years ago I heard a story that stuck with me and it was about choices. The story went something like this: A woman who was visually impaired went to the store and had to have a companion/driver along to help pick out her groceries. While driving there she found a small bag of what […]

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Posted on: Aug 09, 2013

My friend used to tell me regularly how she would come home from work and then take her dog for a ride in the car. When I asked her why, she simply replied that the dog has been home alone all day, and that she must want to get out and see something new. I […]

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Dark Side

Posted on: Aug 07, 2013

Recently I looked up the real definition of prejudice as I was throwing it around like a hot potato. So we are all clear on what I mean when I use the word prejudice here is a definition from (where else) the web dictionary. 1.An unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, […]

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Nutrition and Macular Degeneration

Posted on: Aug 05, 2013

It is commonly believed that as age increases, visual sensitivity decreases. But what if vision loss as part of the aging process was not inevitable? What if improved nutrition could help slow and even deter vision loss associated with age-related macular degeneration? The role of nutrition is garnering more and more attention from the eye […]

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Posted on: Jul 31, 2013

Life requires that we follow certain rules. There, their is a perfect example. It demands that you know when to use one or write the other. One of the most interesting things I have found is that I am not really a rules kind of gal. That in some ways makes it easier to do […]

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Blind Eye

Posted on: Jul 29, 2013

Turning a blind eye. Figuratively. Literally. Sitting on my bed in my darkened room twelve years ago I noticed that my right eye seemed funny. Like a black lace tablecloth had been placed in front of my face. Central scotomas I would find out later. Disintegrating retinas. Then like a curtain that moves right to […]

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Posted on: Jul 18, 2013

When I was in the elementary grades, the gym teacher had a very evil way of helping society force a tier system. The gym teacher would pick two of the popular kids and then say for them to pick their team mates. What did that feel like for those of us who were not part […]

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Ice Cream: It’s not just for kids.

Posted on: Jul 10, 2013

Remember when you were a kid and you were sick, got hurt or suffered some other calamity?  You almost always got ice cream out of the deal.  It was like a rule.  Something bad happens and you got ice cream!  Right! When exactly did that tradition stop and whose idea was it to stop it?  […]

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