Low Vision Blog

Day To Day

Posted on: Dec 16, 2013

When I was going to school I had to make a portfolio of things that a visually impaired person might benefit from. I decided to do it entitled “a Day in the Life Of…” So I went through my daily routines and found out which ones needed assistance due to my vision. It surprised me […]

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Posted on: Dec 11, 2013

Polo. It is an old children’s game that I like to still play. When I am trying to find someone or somewhere I just call out and then a response guides me to where I need to go. At Christmas I bought everyone a small hand-sanitizer as a gift and it had a holder that […]

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Posted on: Dec 09, 2013

Two months ago there was a large Great White Pyrenees dog running up and down the road in front of the house. It was obvious it was a stray as it ran with no purpose and wild abandon. Around its neck was a red collar minus the tags.  At the place where the tags should […]

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Posted on: Nov 23, 2013

Dis Disease, disability, distance, distain, dislike, discount. Dis is a prefix that means  “not” simply. Not at ease, not able, not to count, Dis has a negative connotation. A new slang word came up to be “dissed” and it meant to be talked badly of or ignored to the point of embarrassment. How about discouraged. […]

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Passing Through

Posted on: Nov 18, 2013

Passing Through Many, many years ago my son and I took a great road trip to Mt. Rushmore. The first long day of driving took us through things that were not very interesting. We had to pass through them to get to our real destination. We went through monotonous amounts of cities with no appeal, […]

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Why Work?

Posted on: Nov 14, 2013

Why work? I want to work. As I started to lose my vision I knew that it would be very difficult to remain in a workforce that is very competitive. I needed something to give me an edge. One of my greatest fears as I was losing my vision is that I would end up […]

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Bianca Knight Winner of Dr. Sam Genensky Video Magnifier Memorial Award

Posted on: Oct 30, 2013

Bianca Knight Winner of Dr. Sam Genensky Video Magnifier Memorial Award A tradition that began in 2010, the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI) annually presents the Dr. Sam Genensky Video Magnifier Memorial Award, where the foundation provides selected visually impaired students in need of assistive technology with a CCTV of their choosing. […]

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Posted on: Oct 24, 2013

Recently I was blogging on about job applications and how I was going to conquer the world with my “can do” attitude. Turns out I am not as much of a roaring lion as I would have wanted you all to believe. I have a good friend who agreed to drive me down to the […]

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Visual Illusion

Posted on: Oct 21, 2013

I am not a fan of magic. Sleight of hand. Prestidigitation. Anything that is trying to fool me into thinking that something is either there or not there while giving the illusion to the opposite is unsettling. Just give it to me so that I can understand it for what it is without the smoke […]

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Posted on: Oct 18, 2013

When I was in the third grade I had to get glasses. I guess I have had vision issues all along it just went south very quickly when it went bad. At first I hated to wear the glasses until I stood outside and looked up at the trees and saw that with the lens […]

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