Low Vision Blog

Prevent Depression

Posted on: Sep 23, 2014

When people stop doing the activities they enjoy they are at a higher risk for depression concluded a recent study performed at Thomas Jefferson University.   Retina specialists and geriatric psychiatrists collaborated in the Low Vision Depression Prevention Trial for Age Related Macular Degeneration (VITAL).  They found that patients with age related macular degeneration can prevent […]

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Courreges Elementary Visits Enhanced Vision

Posted on: Sep 23, 2014

Enhanced Vision was pleased to welcome a group of 4-6th grade students from Courreges Elementary School in Fountain Valley, CA. These children are part of a team participating in the 2014 First Lego League competition. They are researching technology to help visually impaired and legally blind individuals as part of their project. During their visit, […]

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New Enhanced Vision Video

Posted on: Sep 19, 2014

We are excited to announce the release of our new Enhanced Vision video!

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Reduce Number Of Eye Injections

Posted on: Sep 15, 2014

For those of you who receive regular eye injections to treat your macular degeneration you may be interested in hearing about a single low dose radiation therapy that cuts the need for monthly injections by an average of 45%. This type of therapy is now available at several hospitals in England, Germany and Switzerland after […]

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Eggceptional Benefits to the Eyes

Posted on: Sep 08, 2014

Eggs have come in and out of health “vogue” many times over the last several years. Now it is not uncommon to hear eye specialists supporting the benefits of eggs to our eyes. There are three good reasons why you may want to include eggs in your eye healthy diet. Omega 3’s Egg yolks are […]

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Transformer Compatible With Mac

Posted on: Aug 18, 2014

Transformer is now compatible with Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8 & 10.9 We are happy to announce that our Transformer can now work with your Mac. To download our EV viewer application for Mac visit the following link to check your device compatibility. See Near, Far and Everything in Between with Transformer’s Versatile 3 in 1 Camera […]

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Adult Stem Cell Study Update

Posted on: Jul 02, 2014

Eye centers such as Byers Eye Institute at Stanford and the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary are two of the four centers that participated in the Phase I/II Study of Human Central Nervous System Stem Cells (HuCNS-SC) in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Review of the Trial The purpose of the study was to “determine the […]

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Losing Focus

Posted on: May 27, 2014

What you give your attention to that will be what you achieve. Where your treasure is, your heart is also. What you focus on will get the most attention. Obviously. In thinking back over the past few months I must admit that I lost my focus and that my treasures were not going to bring […]

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I lost my vision

Posted on: May 20, 2014

Busy Man have I ever been busy. I have been busy pointing fingers, blaming others, dismantling my future, making waves, rocking in the boat and being a nuisance. I also decided that evolution is possible. No, not the Darwinian evolution of monkeys to man, kind of evolving but more like becoming someone I did not […]

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Posted on: Apr 28, 2014

As a person with a visual impairment I have determined that there are many things that go unnoticed. Things that happen right under my nose yet go without visual cognition. Things that are right there for me to notice if my eyes could focus. Until my hands brush across the top of the dresser do […]

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