Low Vision Blog

Should You Be Using a White Cane?

Posted on: Dec 02, 2015

My father-in-law who has wet AMD in both eyes has blind spots, loss of depth perception and loss of contrast sensitivity just like other patients with advanced AMD. These visual losses have compromised his safety and his mobility. We have suggested that he see a mobility specialist and get trained in the use of a […]

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Digital Retina Exam Without Dilation

Posted on: Nov 13, 2015

At my most recent yearly eye exam I was asked if I wanted to pay more and not have my eyes dilated for the retinal exam.  I declined, had my eyes dilated and all was well.  Next time I’m asked that question, I may give a different answer.  That’s because there’s lots more reasons to […]

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Declining Depth Perception

Posted on: Nov 09, 2015

When someone has been diagnosed with macular degeneration the most common symptom that comes to mind is the loss of straight ahead or the center part of one’s vision.  This vision loss affects one’s ability to read or to recognize a familiar face.  But there are other changes that can also affect one’s quality of […]

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SightRisk – A New AMD Risk Assessment Tool

Posted on: Oct 19, 2015

There are many established risk factors for developing macular degeneration.  However, up until now there has not been a tool to analyze not only one’s risk factors, like age, gender, lifestyle and family history, but also to combine that information with clinical reports, such as the presence of macular drusen or the density of the […]

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Screens, Eye Strain and Sleep

Posted on: Oct 14, 2015

Today’s electronic screens from flat TVs to tablets to smart phones all emit blue light.   Light, and especially blue light contributes to eye strain, the development of macular degeneration and to sleep disturbances.   Sleep Disturbances According to Harvard Medical School’s  Health Publications, “ …not all colors of light have the same effect.  Blue wavelengths […]

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Lutein can Help your Eyes

Posted on: Oct 10, 2015

Not only does lutein help to keep our brain healthy, but the antioxidant is also critical in safeguarding our eyes as we age. Research suggests that a daily dose of dietary supplements, including this plant extract, is critical in reducing the risks of chronic eye disease. When consumed, these beneficial nutrients (found in foods such […]

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All Relative

Posted on: Oct 06, 2015

Sometimes change is the hardest thing to agree with. As a person with a visual impairment sometimes I get so comfortable in my rut that I cannot see the good things staring at me. Early in the cell phone craze I got one of the newfangled Razor flip phones. I was cutting edge at the […]

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Implantable Miniature Telescope – 5 Year Study Results

Posted on: Oct 02, 2015

David S. Boyer, vitreoretinal specialist at Retina-Vitreous Associates Medical Group in Beverly Hills, CA will be presenting the results of the study, Five Year Data Demonstrates Long Term Effectiveness and Safety of VisionCare’s Telescope Implant for Macular Degeneration in Patients 65 years and Older to the American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS) 33rd Annual Meeting.  […]

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When Reading Becomes a Strain

Posted on: Sep 30, 2015

Thanks to many different electronic readers, like the Kindle readers, Apple’s iPad and low vision CCTVs, reading is possible for many people with low vision including those with macular degeneration.   The ability to enlarge fonts, adjust contrast, increase brightness and change color combinations makes reading possible for many people who had previously given up on […]

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Have You Ever Considered Participating In a Clinical Trial?

Posted on: Sep 28, 2015

Have you ever considered participating in a clinical trial for your macular degeneration or any other eye disease? Macular degeneration (AMD) studies look at many different aspects of this retinal disease. The purpose may be to improve the visual acuity for those with macular degeneration, or to slow the progression of dry AMD to wet […]

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