Low Vision Blog

Low Vision and Assistance

Posted on: Jul 25, 2016

There are vastly differing opinions in the world, some opinions are better than bubblegum toothpaste while others are so bad they should be arrested. Just as there are differing impairments in the blind and low vision world, there rest these differing opinions. Some, of which, attempt to speak for all other visually impaired people. They write with […]

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Portable Lighting

Posted on: Jul 15, 2016

During a recent dinner outing to a favorite restaurant with my father-in-law who has wet macular degeneration, he sheepishly told us he couldn’t see well enough to figure out how to lock the bathroom door.   Just hours before the outing we gave him a flashlight that one wears on the wrist – just like a […]

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Yes You Can, If You Learn To Do It Differently

Posted on: Jun 30, 2016

While AMD robs patients of their vision, it doesn’t need to rob patients of their independence or their joy in participating in their favorite hobbies.   How one lives successfully with AMD or any other low vision condition depends on how willing one is to try to do the things they enjoy, but to do them […]

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Kindle Adds New Accessibility Features

Posted on: Jun 08, 2016

For years, blind and visually impaired people who wanted to use a kindle were left with a lot of frustration and even hassle. Amazon released their kindle readers with only the barest of text to speech. Amazon did make their apps on IOS and Android accessible but only after significant push back from the visually […]

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Macula Risk Test – Genetic Testing for AMD

Posted on: May 18, 2016

The Macular Degeneration Association (MDA) issued an urgent warning in March of 2016 to those who have been diagnosed with intermediate dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The warning advised patients to talk with their eye doctor about commonly prescribed eye vitamins using the Age Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) formula containing zinc, which upon further […]

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Updated AREDS Vitamin Research Warning

Posted on: May 11, 2016

Some of the most commonly prescribed eye vitamins for macular degeneration are ones that follow the recommendation from the Age Related Eye Disease study (AREDS).  A ten year study conducted by the National Eye Institute which began in September 1990 with the first published results in 2001 concluded that “taking high levels of antioxidants and […]

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Half Again

Posted on: May 04, 2016

My son is on the border of turning thirty one. If I do the math it means that I have not seen his face for over fifteen years. That is almost half of how old he is. I never really put my vision loss in those terms before but it was stunning to consider. People […]

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Honed Skill

Posted on: Apr 27, 2016

I knew I had grown progressively more competitive when every time my e-mail brought news of a graded assignment from one of my two Professors. I want to know how I did and what I could have done differently to get an even better grade. It would be at this point that I might feel […]

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Low Vision App to Identify Objects and Labels

Posted on: Apr 18, 2016

A smartphone or tablet with a camera can be used for many different purposes and using them to “see” for you is one of them. A free app called TapTapSee helps people with low vision, macular degeneration or even blindness to identify objects found in their kitchen, bathroom or out shopping by accessing the device’s […]

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Low Vision App for Money Management

Posted on: Apr 12, 2016

There is no need to wonder what kind of paper bills are in your wallet anymore thanks to the free EyeNote App.  Developed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the blind or those with low vision, this app identifies denominations of U.S. paper currency from $1 bills to $100 bills.  Download it for […]

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