Known as a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) or as a Video Magnifier, CCTV magnifiers provide low vision aid for a full range of visual needs, specializing in assisting individuals with macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, diabetic retinopathy, and other low vision causing eye diseases and conditions. The benefits of a CCTV magnifier are many, as the versatility provided allows for independence through visual magnification and technology. Depending on the video magnifier, duties such as reading the mail, books, writing, enjoying a crossword puzzle, connectivity to a computer and much more can be accomplished with the aid of this one low vision assistive tool.
The CCTV magnifiers are generally a combination of a customized camera, mount arm for steady hands-free positioning of the camera, a viewing screen/monitor, lenses with the ability to zoom (sometime as great as 82x magnification), and viewing modes with lighting, color, and contrast modes for optimal visual assistance. There is often a viewing platform, which allows easy positioning of the item, book, or image to be magnified.
By portraying the optic information received by the camera on the screen/monitor, CCTV magnifiers allow you to control the focus, magnification, and often screen preference settings. The information is simply gathered in video real time, and displayed in the monitor. The real time video magnification make the CCTV magnifiers a great solution for writing and performing hands-on activities, like crossword puzzles, writing checks, and intricate detail hobbies like needlepoint and model building/painting.
With many CCTV magnifiers available today, understanding the options available can help determine which video magnifier is the right fit for your particular eye and vision condition. Some great questions and facts to consider are: